The First Private Teaching Hospital in South Africa, Johannesburg

Ms Carmin Wright

Ms Carmin Wright

BSc Anatomy & Physiology (Wits); BSc Occupational Therapy (Wits); Diploma in Hand Therapy (UP)

Carmin Wright has been working in the rehabilitation of upper limb and neurological rehabilitation since 2008. Carmin started her career in the government sector working in the hand unit at Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH), working with both the plastic and reconstructive surgery and orthopaedic surgery departments. She went on to become the chief hand therapist in the hand therapy department at CMJAH and consulted closely with the doctors at the hospital in the treatment of patients. Carmin is very passionate about sharing her clinical knowledge and has lectured on hand conditions to both doctors and fellow occupational therapists withing the hand field.She has attended both national and international conferences and submitted articles to numerous publications. Carmin has carried out the duty of Chairperson of the Gauteng branch of SASHT as well as serving on the National Committee of SASHT. She currently treats patients in both the state and private sector.

Occupational Therapy

Clinical Focus

  • Post Surgical Hand Conditions: - Fractures And Dislocations; Burns; Tendon Injuries; Grafts (Both Bone & Skin); Joint Replacements; Rheumatoid Arthritis; Lupus; Gout And Osteoarthritis; Infections And Septic Hands; Traumatic Nerve Injuries; Compression Injuries; Aputations; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; Scar Management; De Quervain's Syndrome; Dupuytren's Syndrome
  • Non Surgical Hand Conditions:- Rheumatoid Arthritis; Lupus; Gout; Osteoarthritis; Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; Raynaud;S Disease; De Quervain's; Intersection Syndrome; Dupuytren;S Disease; Cubital And Carpal Tuneel Syndrome; Fracture And Dislocations; Repetitive Strain Injuries; Congenital Hand Syndromes
  • Neurological Conditons:- Traumatic Brain Injuries; Cerebrovascular Accidents; Guillain Barre Syndrome; Spinal Cord Injuries; Paraplegia; Quadraplegia; Tetraplegia; Peripheral Neuropathy; Cerebral Palsy Syndrome; Multiple Sclerosis


  • Hand Conditions:- Splints; Casting; Oedema Management; Wound Care; Scar Management; Pressure Garment Manufacturing For Scar Treatment; Pain Management; Muscle Strengthening; Therapeutic Exercises And Home Programmes; Joint Mobilisation; Desensitization; Cryo And Thermotherapy; Kinesio Taping; Ergonomic Guidance And Assistance With Work Space Layout; Provision Of Assitive Devices For Daily Living Activities
  • Neurological Conditions:- Balance; Cordination; Memory; Home Visits To Assess Daily Living Activities; Limb Strengthening; Provision Of Assistive Devices For Daily Living Activities; Splints


  • Occupational Therapist